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TO CrTTIfcTE, 1895.
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Acetylene in domestic use, Exhibition of June 22, p 35
is made, How, Feb. 16, p 29 Accuracy, Jan. 19, p 33 Adams coffee pot, J une 29, p 43 Aero water still, June 29, p 39 Air blast apparatus. Mar. 30, p 39
oven and broiler burner, Patent, Feb.
23, p 42
bound service, Mar. 23, p 33 supply, Insufficient, Feb. 9, p 35 tight waste trap, Mar. 16, p 44 Weight of, Jan. 19, p 34 Alaska stove door handles, New, Jan. 12, p 50
Allentown, Pa., plumbers, Feb. 23, p 32 Allowance for iron pipe, Mar. 23, p 32 Alphabetical list brands American tin and teme plates, Jan. 5, p 43 Aluminum alloys, Resistance to corrosion of some light, Jan. 19, p 54 coffee pot, Erie cast, May 25, p 41 egg cookers, Pure, June 29, p 40 Experiments with, May 11, p 33 Hardening of, Mar. 23, p 42 Soldering, June 15, p 31; 22, p 29 Some new uses of, June 15, p 56 Amendments to constitution, May 18, p 31 American industrial union, May 4, p 27 kitchens, Some, Mar. 9, p 29 tin plate lists, Our, Jan. 5, p 29 Angle lamp, June 8, p 40 Anti-freezing mortar, Feb. 16, p 31; Mar. 2, p 33
Apartment house fires, Apr 20, p 33 Apparatus, Air-blast, Mar. 30, p 39 Application of Acetylene, Feb. 16, p 29 Apportioning radiation, June 1, p 36 Apprenticeship, Feb. 9, p 48 code, Chicago, Mar. 9, p 45 Aqua retort heater, June 29, p 48 Arcade mop holder, May 4, p 41 Are gravel roofs durable ? Feb. 16, p 31 ;
Mar. 2, p 32; 23, p 35; 30, p 32 Argon, May 18, p 49
Armstrong pipe threading and cutting-off machine No. 2%, Jan. 12, p 36 Arrangement of hardware store, Mar. 9, p 32 Art for the artisan, June 1, p 23 of display, Feb. 9, p 39
Artesian well pressure, Utilizing, Feb. 16, p 30
Artist-artisan institute, May 11, p 25 Asbestos paper, Paste for, Mar. 2, p 32; 16, p 37; Apr. 6, p 32; 20, p 36 torch, June 1, p 39
Ash bag system in New York city, Apr. 27, p 33
Asphalt floors, June 29, p 33 Association news, Feb. 23, p 33; Mar. 2, p 41
Associations, New, Jan. 5, p 39 Atlanta Exposition, June 1, p 35 Australia, Manual instruction in. May 4, p 39
Automatic damper regulator, Mar. 16, p 35 expansion tank, Jan. 12, p 37 B. & W. skate sharpener, Jan. 12, p 48 Babette seat, Feb. 9, p 48 Badge, New York trade school, Apr. 13, p38 Baird snow guard, Feb. 23, p 39
tilting tumbling barrel, Feb. 2, p 43
Baking pan, Round loaf, Jan. 12, p 47 Ball cock, Boston safety, Jan. 26, p 47 Barker’s chimney top and ventilator, Feb. 9, p 35
Bam, Ventilating, Mar. 16, p 34 Barrel, Baird, tilting tumbling, Feb. 2, p 43
Bartlett’s thermograph, Apr. 27, p 54 Base burning stoves, Jan. 12, p 40 Basin Clamp, Sherman’s, Mar. 16, p 50 waste and plug, Hale, Feb. 9, p 50 Bath and lavatory, Golden crown combina¬ tion, May 25, p 32 fixture, Morrison’s, June 22, p 33 heater, Little wonder gas, Apr. 13, p 43 Universal, Apr. 13, p 44 Puritan, Jan. 26, p 46 Bathroom, Pompeiian, Jan. 19, p 33 Bathtub, Copper. Feb. 16, p 34 Hardwood, Mar. 16, p 49 Battery for electric door opener, May 4, p 28
Bell trouble, Electric, Feb. 16, p 30 Belmont water closet with seat attachment, June 22, p 30
Benefits from organization, Jan. 19, p 37 Bennett’s hardware shelf box, Apr. 20, p 47
Berger Bros. , Mar. 23, p 48 gutter hangers, June 1, p 30 Mfg. Company, May 18, p 34 Best way to calk joints, Apr. 13, p 43 Beveling elbow, Pattern for, Apr. 6, p 45 Bids on heating, Feb. 2, p 33 Bigley’s patent hot water heater, Apr. 13, p 37
Bind The Metal Worker, How to, Mar. 16, p 35
Bishop’s ceiling plate, Apr. 6, p 41 Black iron tinning, June 29, p 32 plate mills, Mar. 9, p 42 sheet imports, Tin plate and, Apr. 6, p 37
Bliss deep throat power press, Mar. 16, p 53
Blow at eight- hour laws, Mar. 23, p 27 Blower specifications, Mar. 2, p 36 Blue prints, Making, May 11, p 26 Boat builder’s steam box, Jan. 26, p 35 Boiler, How to make, Apr. 6, p 33 Ideal steam, Apr. 20, p 44 Invincible, Apr. 6, p 40 Mahony vertical section steam or water, Mar. 2, p 36 maker’s bending rolls, June 8, p 36 Mending, Mar. 30, p 32 Pompeiian, Feb. 9, p 43 siphons, Mar. 30, p 34 United States, Feb. 23, p 36 Boilers, New England and excelsior coil, May 25, p 31
Boomerang, June 1, p 37 Bom Steel & Range Mfg. Company, May 11, p 50
Boston safety ball cock, Jan. 26, p 47 Bottom tuyere, Feb. 2, p 52 Boxing and cartage, Charge for, Apr. 13, p 36
Brake, Range und safe makers open end hand, May 25, p 40
Bramhall Deane Company, June 29, p 49 Brand Stove Company, June 29, p 48
Brand’s catalogues, Mar. 16, p 55 Brass, Brazing cast, Jan. 26, p 34 Coloring, Feb. 23, p 31 lists, Recent revisions in, Jan. 5, p 57 Bray pipe hanger, May 11, p 31 Brazing. May 25, p 26
cast brass, Jan. 26, p 34 Bread knife, Christy, model No. 16, May 4, p 41
Brightening future, Jan. 12, p 31 British tin plate exports in 1894, Jan. 26, p 50
plates in 1894, Jan. 19, p 48 Brown’s tea and coffee urn, Feb. 9, p 38 water still, Feb. 16. p 42 Bryant’s lightning mixer and egg beater, June 29, p 42
Building contracts, Sub-letting in. Mar. 16, p 45
Evolution of an old, Feb. 9, p 36 operations in 1894, Feb. 2, p 48 trades exhibition Feb. 2, p .33 Burner for cook stove or range, Gasoline, Feb. 23, p 31
Improved B. & H., June 22, p 47 King Grip, May 4, p 41 N ew oil, Feb. 23, p 46 Patent air blast oven and broiler, Feb. 23, p 42
Business mortality in 1894, Jan. 5, p 29 Buyer, Educate the, Apr. 6, p 31 Buzzacott’s camp cooking outfit, June 22, p 45
California ordinance, May 25, p 32 stoves, Jan. 19, p 50
Calk joints, Best way to, Apr. 13, p 43 ; May 4, p 39
Camp cooking outfit, Buzzacott’s, June 22, p 45
equipments, Folding, Apr. 20, p 35; 27, p 34
Can boss to fit around faucet, Patterns for, June 8, p 30
opener and cover, Eclipse, Jan. 12, p47 carpet tacks, Apr. 13, p 47 openers, N ew, Feb. 2, p 50 top wanted, Feb 16, p 31 Canadian customs decisions, May 4, p 49 nickel mines, June 22, p 50 steam heating, Apr. 6, p 42 Canners and tinners, Feb. 2, p 46 Capital and confidence, Mar. 23, p 51 Carpet tacks, Can opener, Apr. 13, p 47 Carton boilers, Mar. 16, p 38 Cast iron, Soldering with, May 25, p 33 or vitrified pii>e, May 4, p 34 Casting statuettes, June 8, p 29; 22, p 28 Ceiling panel plate with enriched center, Jan. 19, p 46
plate, Bishop’s, Apr. 6, p 41 Columbia, Jan. 12, p 37 Sheet metal, Apr. 13, p 41 Ceilings, Sheet metal, Apr. 20, p 48 Cement for marble and basins. Wants, Mar. 9, p 30; 23, p 32; Apr. 13, p 33 Central Stamping Company, May 18, p 42 supply association. Mar. 16, p 49 Cesspool, Well and, Apr. 13, p 33 Champion roaster or oven, Mar. 23, p 43 steel range, June 8, p 41 tin scrap, bailing press. May 4, p 30 water heater, Apr. 27, p 38
Changes in list prices granite ironware, Jan. 12, p 54
Charge for boxing and cartage, Apr. 13, p 38
Chautauqua eave trough hanger, Apr. 6, p 48
Check valve on boiler supply, June 1, p 24 Chicago apprenticeship code, Mar. 9, p 45 drainage canal, Feb. 9, p 52 stove trade, Feb. 16, p 47 ; May 25, p 43 Chimney heat Economizing, June 29, p 32 top and ventilator, Barker’s, Feb. 9, p 35
sweats, Feb. 9, p 35 Chimneys, Feb. 23, p 29
of large buildings, Sweeping, May 25,
p 28
Choked water backs, Jan. 12, p 40 Christy model N o. 16, bread knife, May 4, p 41
Church heating plants, Mar. 30, p 31 Cider press, Davidson’s electric, Jan. 12, p
Circle, Squaring the, Jan. 19, p 34; Feb. 2 p 34
Circuit hot water job, Mar. 16, p 40
system of hot water heating, Jan. 12, p 36, Mar. 23, p 37 ; Apr. 13, p 36 Circulate ? Will it, Jan. 26, p 34; Feb. 235 p 31 ; Mar. 16, p 34
Circulation, Pressure and, Feb. 2, p 35 Cistern or wells, Iron platforms for, Mar. 23, p 43
water, Purifying, Feb. 2, p 34; 16, p 31 City farming, May 4, p 27; 11, p 26 Clamp and testing cover, S. & G., Jan. 26, p 46
Clark Stove Company, Feb. 2, p 53 Clarke’s instantaneous water heater, Mar. 2, p 41
Class, Lead burning, Jan. 12, p 33 Cleaning solder, Mar. 39. p 36 zinc, Feb. 16, p 31 Cleats for tin roof, Apr. 20, p 36 Cleveland Co-operative Stove Company, June 22, p 48
Close trade school season, Apr. 6, p 31 Closet connection, Salvage, Mar. 9, p 46 Defender ventilating siphon, May 25, p 34
fixtures, High grade, Mar. 2, p 42 Maelstrom siphon, Jan. 12, p 34 Sanitas crown, Apr. 13, p 43 with hidden tank, Wash down, Apr. 20, p 37
Cloth holder, Barker’s, June 22, p 43 Clothes horse, Eureka, Apr. 13, p 48 Coal mining situation, Jan. 5, p 45 tongs, Perfection, June 22, p 47 Coffee mill, Griswold, May 4, p 41 pot, Adams, June 29, p 43 Coil, Heating from, Feb. 9, p 40 Col il air box and filter, Mar. 9, p 30 Patterns for, June 8, p 30 duct, Feb. 3, n 34; 16, p 30; Mar. 2, p 33
Inside, Mar. 16, p 36; 30, p 33; Apr. 20, p 34
Cold water Oil Stove Company, Jan. 12, p
Cold weather casualties. Mar. 16, p 33 Collapse ? Why did it, Mar. 9, p 30 Collapsed, with vacuum valve, Mar. 16, p 37; 30, p 33; Apr. 13, p 32 Collars in furnace, How to put, Apr. 6, p 33; 27, p 36
Coloring brass, Feb. 23, p 31 Columbia ceiling plate, Jan. 12, p 37 pipe hanger, Jan. 19, p 41 wiping cloth, Jan. 19, p 36 Columbus soap cup, Mar. 16, p 50 Combination heating, May 25, p 29
III, Feb. 9, p 40; IV, Mar. 9, p 34 pipe vise, Jan. 19, p 35 system, Unusual, Mar. 30, p 40 Combined flour bin and sifter, Apr. 13, p 49 scoop and scale, Feb 2, p 49
Combined tin plate shear and doubler, Feb. 23, p 43
Comet lawn sprinkler, Mar. 2, p 35 Common sense dust inhibitor, Apr. 27, p 35 Competition, May 25, p 25 Way to meet, Apr. 6, p 31 Computing heating surface, April 13, p 32 Condensation under iron roof, Jan. 19, p 34 Conductor heads, II, Feb. 2, p42; ni, Mar. 9, p 39; IV, June 1, p 28 , pipe manufacturers, Eave trough and, Jan. 12, p 43
Connecticut State plumbers, Feb 9, p 47 Connecticut’s proposed plumbing law, Jan. 19, p 39
Connecting fixtures, May 25, p 33 Connection ? Who should make the, June 22, p 28; 29, p 33
Consolidation, Vapor stove, Jan. 5, p 51 Construction, Detail of, Mar. 30, p 33 Consumption of gas for heating, Feb. 23, p 46
Contract, Uniform, Feb. 23, p 37 Convention, After the, Feb. 2, p 41 aftermath, June 22. p 42 gossip, Apr. 27, p39; May'4, p 34; June 8, P 44
hotel and railroad rates, May 11, p 30 master fitters, June 15, p 46 Next, Jan. 26, p 46 of heating engineers, Jan. 26, p 33 master fitters, June 22, p 40 steam and hot water fitters’ asso¬ ciation, May 11, p 39 Conventions, June, June 8, p 27 Conveyor, Pattern for, Mar. 23, p 33 Cooker, Wolff, Mar. 30, p 49 Cooking, Electric, Mar. 30, p 52 Gas for, Feb. 23, p 46
Co-operative trading in Great Britain, Mar. 2, P 31
Copper bathtub, Feb. 16, p 34
tank lining, Holes in, Apr. 6, p 32; 20, p 36
Tower work in, Mar. 30, p 44 work. Specimen of fine, Jan. 19, p 47 Com popper, Quincy, June 22, p 45 Cornell steam heater, Apr. 27 p 42 Comice trade, Roofing and, Jan. 5, p 31 Correction, A, Feb. 2, p 47 Corrosion of some light aluminum alloys, Resistance to, Jan. 19, p 54 Corrugated iron tables, June 8, p 38 Cost formula, May 11, p 43 Couplers on supply pipes, Star, Mar. 9, p 46 Covers for coffee pots, Rimmed, Mar.9,p 32 Covert snaps, Mar. 9, p 33 Crazy water whip, Apr. 13 p 48 Cream city mug, May 18, p 28 Crescent automatic spray and force pumps, Mar. 16, p 43
Crosby gang slitting machine, June 8, p 49 Cross lock seamer, Niagara, May 11, p 36 Cupola tuyeres, III, Jan. 26, p 52; IV, Feb.
2, p 52; V, 16, p 48; VI, Mar. 23, p 53 Curling iron heater, Spirit stove and, June 22, p 46
Curved molding machine, Foot-power, May 11, p 34
Customs decisions, Canadian, May 4, p 49 Cut prices on stoves, Feb. 23, p 45 Daisy mincing knives, Jan. 26, p 44 Damper and damper clip, American, June 1, p 42
Devore’s , June 1, p 42 regulator, Automatic, Mar. 16, p 35 U. S. A. stove pipe, June 1, p 41 Davidson’s electric cider press, Jan. 12, p 48 Day classes at New York trade school, Feb. 9, p 46
Dealers along Hudson River, Stove and hardware, Mar. 23, p 44 Death of secretary Thomas, Feb. 23, p 54 Debs decision, June 8, p 27 Decimal sheet metal gauge, Jan. 5, p 53 Defender ventilating siphon closet, May 25, p 34
Defense Association meeting, May 4, p 43 Delaware basins, Wade’s, Apr. 20, p 38 plug basin, Apr. 13, p 45 Denver plumbers, Apr. 20. p 37 Detail of construction, Mar. 30, p 33 Determining heating power of heating sys¬ tems, Jan. 26, p 40; Feb. 16, p 37 Detroit florin washer, Apr. 20, p 46 Diagonal raking bracket under hipped roof, Pattern for, Apr. 27, p 48 Die stock, ,Oster adjustable ratcher, Apr. 20, p 45
Dietz crystal lantern, Jan. 19, p 44 tubular mill lantern, Jan. 12, p 47 Dimensions of small treadle lathe, Feb. 9, p 50
of ventilators, June 29, p 33 Dining room refrigerator, Jan. 12, p 47 Dinners, Ten-cent, Apr. 27, p 33 Direct hot water connection, Feb. 23, p 31 Disease germs, June 29, p 31 Dish drainer, Magic, Apr. 13, p 47 Displacing 'planished iron for locomotive jackets, Mar. 23, p 27 Display, Art of, Feb. 9, p 39 Dispute as to sizes, Apr. 20, p 36 Dissatisfied ones, Some, June 15, p 29 Distribution of tin plate imports, Feb. 16, p 44
Dominion master plumbers, Apr. 20, p 38 Door opener, Battery for electric, May 4, p 28
Quick meal balanced, Mar. 30, p 38 Double furnaces, Jan. 12, p 40
seaming machine, May 11, p 41 Douglas rubber elbow, Mar. 16, p 48 Dowagiac restores wages, Apr. 20, p 52 Wage question at, Apr. 27, p 56 Drain pipe, Connecting, June 1. p 26 Drainage canal, Chicago, Feb. 9, p 52 inspection, House, Feb. 2, p 44 Draining plumbing systems, Mar. 16, p 48; Apr. 6, p 34
Drawing board with profile slate, Hang up, J une 29, p 34
tables, Designs for, May 11, p 27 Drift cityward, Feb. 23, p 27 Drilling attachment, S. & W., Mar. 16, p 52 Dripping pan corners, Apr. 27, p 36; May 18, p 25; 25, p 27 Driven wells, Feb. 9, p 34 Duct. Cold air, Feb. 2, p 34; 16, p 30; Mar 2, p 33
Duffy-Trowbridge Stove Mfg. Company, June 1, p 43
Dump cart, Odorless steel sanitary, Jan. 19, p 35
Dust inhibitor, Common sense, April 27, p 35
pan, West’s, Mar. 23, p 43 East side chat, More, May 4, p 46 New York, Mar. 2, p 49 East Indian trade school, June 1, p 27 Eastern Supply Association, Mar. 16, p 49 Eastwood valve, Feb. 23, p 37 Eave trough and conductor pipe manufac¬ turers, Jan. 12, p 43
hanger, Chautauqua, Apr. 6, p 48 troughs and conductors, Sheet zinc for, June 8, p 28; 22, p 29; 29, p 33 Echoes of stove convention, May 11, p 46 Eclipse can opener and cover, Jan. 12, p 47 gas stove, Mar. 9, p 33 lawn sprinkler, Jan. 26, p 44 refrigerator, June 1, p 39 Economizing chimney heat, June 8, p 28 Economy in division of labor, June 15, p 29 Editorials, Jan. 5, p 29; 12, p 31 ; 19, p 33;
26, p 33; Feb. 2, p 33; 9, p 33; 16 p 29; 23 p 29; Mar. 2, p 31 ; 9, p 29; 16, p 33; 23, p 27; 30, p 31; Apr. 6, p 31 ; 13, p 31; 20, p 33;
27, p 33; May 4, p 27; 11, p 25; 18, p 23; 25, p 25; June 1, p 23; 8, p27; 15, p 29; 22, p 27 ; 29, p 31
Educate the buyer, Apr. 6, 31
Egg cookers, Pure aluminum, June 29, p 40
Eight-hour laws, Blow at, Mar. 23, p 27
Ejector, Niagara, Mar. 30, p 35 Elbow in tapering pipe, Apr. 20, p 36 pattern. Mar 23, p 32 Electric bell trouble, Feb. 16, p 30 cooking, Mar. 30, p 52 fans for heating purposes, Feb. 2, p 41 heating at vaudeville theatre, Apr. 6, p 41
Electrically caused fires, June 15, p 31 Electricity, Heating water by, Feb. 16, p 31
Thawing frozen pipes with, Mar. 30, p 36
Empire spraying pumps, Feb. 16, p 41 Employment of labor, Jan. 12, p 31 Enameled ware, New, Feb. 16, p 42 well points, May 25, p 28 Enameling gasoline stoves, Feb. 16, p. 31; Mar. 2, p 33
End of strike, Mar. 30, p 31 H Engineer, The heating and ventilating — a commercial tow, Jan. 26, p 42 Problem for, Mar. 9, p 36 Engineer's education wanted, Mar. 30, p 33 Heating and ventilating, Jan. 12, p 38 English and American labor contrasted, June 1, p 31
Enriched center, Ceiling panel plate with, Jan. 19, p 46
Enterprise raisin seeder, Mar. 16, p 43 Equivalent balance, May 18, p 27 Erie cast aluminum coffee pot, May 25, p41 Essay committee, Report of, Mar. 30, p 37 Essays at plumbers’ conventions, Apr. 6, p34
Estimating labor on pipe fitting contracts, Feb. 9, p .35
Eureka clothes horse, Apr. 13, p 48 self-measuring oil tank, J une 8, p 42 Evans hot air furnace, Jan. 5, p 30; 26, p 34 protective milk can, Mar. 16, p 44 Evolution of an old building, Feb. 9, p 36 Example of faulty plumbing, Feb. 16, p 32 Excursion on Delaware, June 15, p 44 Exhaust steam and live steam reduced to low pressure, either separately or in com- . bination, Heating and drying by use of, Feb. 2, p 36
heating, Apr. 27, p 44 Exhibition of appliances, June 29, p 43 Expansion bolt, Cook's, June 22, p 36 of metals, May 18, p 24 tank, Anti waste, June 8, p 33 Automatic, Jan. 12, p 37 Vanderman’s, Apr. 13, p 37 Experiments with sheet aluminum, May 11, p 33
Explosions, Kitchen boiler, Apr. 13, p 44 Extending heating system, May 25, p 26 , Extra heavy gap snear, Jan. 12, p 42 Ezy raisin seeder, J une 29, p 43 Fan and furnace, June 22, p 28 Fans for heating purposes, Electric, Feb 2, p 41
Faulty arrangement of piping, Feb. 9, p 34 Ferris, Out-ferrising, May 25, p 37 Few hopeful indications, Apr. 6, p 36 Filler ware pails, Trass boom for, May 4, p 40
Standard, Mar. 2, p 35 Field triumph filters, Apr. 27, p 53 Filling tank, June 1, p 26 Filter, Cold air box and, Mar. 9, p 30
Gate City drip stone faucet, Apr. 13, p 47
Ideal water, Mar. 16, p 44 Filters, Field Triumph, Apr. 27, p 53 Finance and other matters. Jan. 5, p 29 Finish for slate roof at ridge and hip, Mar. 16, p 46; 23, p 34
Fire caused by radiator, Feb. 9, p 43 extinguisher, Guardian, Mar. 30, p 48 lighter, New, June 15, p 56 losses in Indiana gas belt, Apr. 13, p 40 place, Popular hot water, Mar. 2, p 37 pot coil, Making, Apr. 20, p 36; May, 4, p 28
Fire pot No. 4, Apr. 13, p 46
proof material, Test of. Jan. 12, p 32 First annual convention American society heating and ventilating engineers, Jan.
26, p 36
Fitters’ association. National, Jan. 5, p 39 Convention Master, June 15, p 46 Fittings, June 15, p 50 Fixtures, Open work, Mar. 30, p 35 Flashings, Jan. 5, p32; 12, p44; 19, p46; Feb. 2, p 43; 9, p 37: 16, p 39; 23 p 39; Mar. 2, p 51; 9, p 41; 16, p 47; 23, p 48; 30, p 46; Apr. 6, p 48; 13, p 41; 20, p 48; 27, p 50; May 4, p 38; 11, p 36; 18, p 34; 25, p 48; June 1, p 30; 8, p 39; 22, p 36; 29, p 35 Floor tile settiug, June 15, p 31 Flooring, Wood block, Jan. 26, p 55 Florida as market for heating stoves, Mar. 16, p 55
steam boiler, New surface, May 18, p 41
Flour bin and sifter, Combined, Apr. 13, p 49
Flueless stoves in confined rooms, Use of, June 1, p 44
Fluted cone, Pattern for, Jan. 19, p 34 Flux for soldering zinc, Jan. 19, p 35; 26, p 34
Fly killer and display stand, Wire broom, May 18, p 28
Folding camp equipments, Apr. 20, p 35;
27, p 34
Folsom’s new model roof snow guard, Mar. 9, p 40
Foot bath, Stephenson’s portable, June 22, p 32
Foreman plumber, May 18, p 31 Formula for hot water piping, Mar. 23, p 38
Foundry cost, May 11, p 47
Cupolas, Natural gas in. Mar. 16, p 33 mixtures for stove castings, Mar. 16, p 55; 30, p 50
Fount, Rochester, Mammoth, Feb. 16, p 41 Four-wheel pipe cutter, Mar. 2, p 44 Freight rates, Southern, Feb. 16, p 37 French schemes, Some wonderful, Jan. 26, p 43
Frozen windmill tanks, Mar. 2, p 32; 9, p 30
Frustum of cone intersecting cylinder, Pattern of, Jan. 19, p 53 Furnace and range association,. May 18, p 46
association needed, Mar. 30, p 51 Balky, Apr. 20, p 36; 27, p 36; May 4, p 28; 11, p 26; 18, p 24 Canners and tinners, Feb. 2, p 46; 23, p 30; Mar. 16, p 37
Evans hot air, Jan. 5, p 30; 26, p 34 experience, Peculiar, Mar. 9, p 31; 16 p 37; 23, p 34; 30, p 34; Apr. 13, p 32; 27, p 36
Few remarks on ventilating and cold air supply for hot air, Mar. 9, p 30 fittings, Mar. 23, p 51 Gas soldering iron, Mar. 2, p 52 Gasoline melting, Apr. 13, p 40 Globe soldering, Feb. 23, p 41 heating with fan, May 25, p 44; June 1, p 25
Henrie improved plumbers’ and tin¬ ners’ soldering, Mar. 16, p 48 Hot blast braziers’, Jan. 26, p 44 How to put collars in, Apr. 6, p 33; 27, p 36
Improved hot air, May 18, p 30 Jupiter hot air, June 29, p 47 makers’, Suggestions to, Apr. 20, p 51 Mammoth tubular. May 4, p 39 Trouble with. Mar. 2, p 33; 23, p 32; 30, p 34
Mismanaged. Apr. 6, p 32 New roofers’ and tinners’, Jan. 5, p 32 pipe rule, Feb. 2, p 35; Mar. 23, p 35 pipe? Will it pay to cover, May 4, p 29 text-book, May 4, p 45
Furnace tops ? Which is best for. Mar. 2, p 33; 16, p 37; 23, p 34; 30, p 34; Apr. 6,'p 33 trade, Apr. 6, p 51 Furnaces, Double, Jan. 12, p 40
from New York State and its effects on heating stove trade, Manufacture and sale of warm air, Mar. 9, p 48 in Syracuse, Manufacture of, Mar. 23> p 33
Future tinners, Jan. 26, p 33 Gallon, Size of, Feb. 9, p 34 Galvanized iron, Stained, Mar. 23, p 33 Trouble with, June 8, p 29 pump curb and tubing, Apr. 13, p 49 castings, Jan. 5, p 30 Garbage can, Sanitary, June 8, p 41
Carbonizer. Household, May 25, p 42 Gas burners, New regulator for welsbach lamp and other, June 22, p 34 fitters’ wrench. Trimo, Feb. 23, p 33 fixture, Unique, Mar. 30, p 36 for cooking, Feb. 23, p 46 generator and burner, Peerless, June 29, p 46
heater, Novel, May 25, p 41 Heating of greenhouses by, Jan. 1!), p 41 hot plates, Apr. 6, p 53 iron, Self-heating, June 22, p 46 lamp and stove, Zimer, Apr. 13, p 48 leak, Wants to stop, Mar. 16, p 37 meters, Proper location of, Feb. 23, p 34 Municipal control of, Apr. 13, p 31 pressure, Question of, Feb. 2, p 35; Mar. 16, p 36
range, New process, Apr. 20, p 46 soldering iron furnace, Mar. 2, p 52 stove, Eclipse, Mar 9, p 33 stoves and appliances, Jan 5, p 51 Heating power of petroleum and, Mar 23, p 37
New jewel, Mar 30, p 48 water heater, Jan 12, p 34
Phillips circulating, Apr 27, p 39 Gasoline burner for cook stove or range, Feb 23, p 31
field, Another, Jan 19, p 33 goods, Jan 19, p 44 insurance, May 18, p 25 melting furnace, Apr 13, p 40 stove, Quick meal. Mar 2, p 34 stoves, Mar 16, p 55
and insurance companies, May 11, p 42 Enameling, Feb 16, p 31 ; Mar 2, p 33 Insurance rates on, Feb 2, p 35; 16, p 31 ; Mar 2, p 32 Repairing, Apr 13, p 33; 20, p 35 Gate city rip stone faucet filter, Apr 13, p47 German stove trade, Feb 16, p 29 Gilmour atomizer, June 8, p 42 Globe soldering furnace, Feb 23, p 41; Mar 23, p 39
Gold plentiful, How to make, Feb 2, p 35 Golden crown butchers’ meat tray, May 4, p 41
combination bath and lavatory, May 25, p 32
Good advice, Feb 2, p 41 Goulds’ electric triplex pump and belt tightener, May 25, p 37 Granite ironware, Changes in list prices, Jan 12, p 54.
Grate, Phillips Sanitary, Apr 6, p 52 Rockford, Mar 16, p 56 Grates, Marks on fireplace, Jan 26, p 53 Gravel roofs durable? Are, Feb 16, p81;
Mar 2, p32; 23, p 35; 30, p32; Apr 27, p 36 Gravity return system for utilizing water condensation, Holly, May 18, p 38 Grease trap, Nelson siphon, May 11, p 30 Great Britain, Co-operative trading in. Mar 2, p 31
Greenhouse heating, June 8, p 29; 15, p 30 piping, Joints in, Apr 6, p 32; 20, p 35;
May 4, p 29; 11, p 26 by gas, Heating of, Jan 19, p41; May 11, p 39
Griswold coffee mill, May 4, p 41 Growth national association of master plumbers, Mar 16, p 48 Guardian fire extinguisher, Mar 30, p 48 Gumption, Jan 26, p 33 Gurney bright idea water tube heater, June 8, p 32
Gutter outlets, Rusting of, Feb 9, p 35 Gutters. Tin vs. galvanized [iron for, June
22, p 28
Hale basin waste and plug, Feb 9, p 50 Hall’s improved pipe wrench, Apr 20, p 40 Handbook of practical [mechanics, Feb 2, p 46
Handle. Oven door, Apr 6, p 53 Handy pipe holder, Feb 2, p 44 pocket torch, Jan 19, p 37 Hang up drawing board with profile slate, June 29, p 34
Hardening of aluminum.'Mar 23, p 42 Harlem ship canal, June 22, p 27 Harvard radiator, Apr 20, p 41 Hardware shelf box, Bennett’s, Apr 20, p 47
store. Arrangement of. Mar 9, p 32 Hardwood bathtub, Mar 16, p 49 Haste and waste, Jan 19, p 33 Hasty strifes, Apr 13, p 31 Health and morals, Feb 2, p 33 Healthfulness of stone cutting, May 4, p 28 Heat and radiation, Loss of, Feb 9, p 42; Mar 23, p 36
Heater, Aqua retort, June 29, p 48 Bigley’s hot water, Apr 13, p 37 Lily steel hot water. Mar 30, p 42 Mosely circulating water, Mar 23, p 46 Richmond No. 336 sectional, Apr 20, p 42
Rivet, Mar 9, p 41
Smith’s little giant water. Mar 23, p 38 Tabasco water, Feb 2, p 36 Universal, Apr 27, p 46 Heaters, Lindemuth new sun steam and hot water, Apr 20, p 43 Heating and drying by use of exhaust steam and live steam reduced to low pressure, either separately or in combina¬ tion, Feb 2, p 36
Heating and plumbing, Jan 5, p 53; 12, p 46; 19, p 40; 26, p 51; Feb 2, p 51; 9, p 37; 16, p 38; 23, p 35; Mar 2, p 44; 9, p 38; 16, p
41; 23, p 39; 30, p 47; Apr 6, p 41; 13. p
52; 20, p 50; 27, p 41; May 4, p 35; 11, p
33; 18. p 49; June 1, p 26; 8, p 48; 15,
p 53; 22, p 37; 29, p 51
ventilating engineer — A commercial view, Jan 26, p 42 engineers, Jan 12, p 38 American society of, June 22, p 40
First annual convention Ameri¬ can society, Jan 26, p 36 Programme American society, Jan 19, p 41 Literature, Feb 2, p 37 ventilation, Feb 23, p 40 of school buildings, Feb 2, p 39 at vaudeville theater, Electric, Apr 6, p 41
bids on. Fell 2, p 33 contracts, Apr 20, p 33 country schoolhouse, May 4, p 29 engineers. Convention of, Jan 26, p 33 from ranges. Mar 9, p 30 from stove coil, Feb 2, p 34; 9, p 40 German theater, June 1, p 36 High pressure water. Mar 16, p 35 Hot water, Mar 2, p 38 Kitchen boiler, Apr 20, p 34 notes, Jan 5, p 39; 12, p 38; 19, p 43; 26, p 40; Feb 2, p 41; 9, p 44; 16, p 37; 23, p 38; Mar 2, p 40; 9, p 37; 16, p 40; 23, p 38; 30, p 43; Apr 6, p 41; 13, p 37; 20, p 44; 27, p 47; May 4, P 37; 11, p 39; 18, p42; 25, p 31; June 1, p 38; 8, p 33; 15, p 51; 22, p 42; 29, p 46
Heating of greenhouses by gas, Jan 19, p 41 tin roofs. Mar 2, p 32 plants, Church, Mar 30, p 31 power of heating systems, Determin¬ ing, Jan 26, p 40; Feb 16, p 37 petroleum and gas stoves, Mar 23, p 37
problem, Jan 12, p 37; Feb 9, p 43 stoves, Florida, as market for, Mar 16, p 55
surface, Computing, 13, p 32 surface, Radiating and. Mar 16, p 35 systems. Introducing, Feb 23, p 36 water by electricity, Feb 16, p 31 incandescent lamps, Mar 2, p 32 Method of, Feb 16, p 30; Mar 23, p 35 Pipe for, Jan 5, p 30 Heedlessness, Feb 23, p 29 Henrie improved plumbers’ and tinners’ soldering furnace. Mar 16, p 48 Hercules seamless copper ball float, June 8, p 32
Hersey heating boilers, June 8, p 35 High grade closet fixtures, Mar 2, p 42 pressure job, Apr 6, p 41 water heating. Mar 16, p 35 Hints in regard to window display, Feb 16, p 50
Hobbies, Feb 9, p 33
Hodgdon’s brass pipe hanger, Apr 13, p 45 Holes in copper tank lining, Apr 6, p 32; 20, p 36
Holly gravity return system for utilizing water of condensation, May 18, p 38 Home made tinware, Apr 20, p 34 Hopeful indications, Few, Apr 6, p 36 Hornless water closet, Mar 2, p 44 Horse sense, Jan 26, p 33 Hose mender. Ideal, June 22, p 44 Hot blast brazier’s furnace, Jan 26, p 44 plates, Gas, Apr 6, p 53 water connection. Direct, Feb 23, p 31 heating, Mar 2, p 38 and ventilating system, May 4, p 36 Circuit system of, Jan 12, p36; Mar 23, p 37; Apr 13, p 36 plant at Oregon State Reform School, Apr 13, p 34 job, Circuit, Mar 16, p 40 piping. Formula for, Mar 23, p 38 Hotter water, Wants, Feb 23, p 31 House drainage inspection, Feb 2, p 44 heating boiler question, How to regu¬ late, June 22, p 44
How to bind The Metal Worker , Mar 16, p 35
make boiler, Apr 6, p 33 gold plentiful, Feb 2, p 35 put collars in furnace, Apr 6, p 33; 27, p 36
Hudson Co., N. J., Plumbers, May 11, p 32 river, Stove and hardware dealers along, Mar 23, p 44
Humboldt lavatory basin, Feb 16, p 33 I X L vent cap, Mar 30, p 35 Ice pick, Polar. May 18, p 29 Ideal steam boiler, Apr 20, p 44 water filter, Mar 16, p 44 Ideals, Apr 13, p 31 Illinois plumbers. May 4, p 33 Illness in Secretary Thomas, Feb 16, p 50 Illuminant, New, Feb 16, p 29 Improperly arranged plumbing, Feb 16, p 34
Improvement, Some signs of, Mar 30, p 31 Incandescent lamps, Heating water by, Mar 2, p 32
Incendiarism made easy, Apr 20, p 33 Index notice, Feb 9, p 33 India, Trade education in, Apr 13, p 31 Indiana gas belt, Fire losses in, Apr 13, p 40 stove trade, Ohio and, Jan 12, p 49 Inside cold air duct, Mar 16, p 36; 30, p 33; Apr 20, p 34
Insufficient air supply, Feb 9, p 35 Insurance companies, Gasoline stoves and, | May 11, p 42
Insurance rates on gasoline stoves, Feb 2, p 35; 16, p 31; Mar 2, p 32 Integrity, May 4, p 27 Introducing heating systems, Feb 23, p 36 Investment ? Is it a good, Feb 23, p 31 ; Mar 23, p 35
Invincible boiler, Apr 6, p 40 Iowa steam fitters, Feb 2, p 41 Iron and steel sheets, Apr 20, p 50 castings, Galvanizing, Jan 5, p 30 platforms for cisterns or wells, Mar 23, p 43
pipe, Allowance for, Mar 23, p 32 roof. Condensation under, Jan 19, p 34 Irregular flaring shape forming transition from round horizontal base to round top placed vertically, Pattern for, May 25, p 35
Japanning tin, Mar 23, p 32
Jets and sprays, June 15, p 42
Jewel gas stoves, New, Mar 30, p 48
Job, High pressure, Apr 6, p 41
Joints in greenhouse piping, Apr 6, p 32;
20, p 35; May 4, p 29 Judging by appearances, June 22, p 27 Jupiter hot air furnace, June 29, p 47 Kansas City plumbing ordinance, Apr 6, p 34
Keen & Hagerty, May 18, p 35 Keex>ing shop tools, Mar 23, p 35 Kelly extension slip joint connection, Feb 16, p 32
Kelly’s urinal connection, Apr 27, p 40 Kerosene as wood preservative, Jan 12, p 40
King grip burner, May 4, p 41 Kitchen boiler below range, May 11, p 27; 18, p 24; 25, p 28; June 1, p 25 explosions, Apr 13, p 44 to prevent, Apr 6, p 34 heating, Apr 20, p 34 Kitchen boiler, pressure on, Apr 13, p 32 Kitchen of future, Mar 9, p 29
spoon. Columbian, June 1, p 40 time table. Mar 2, p 35 Kitchens, Some American, Mar 9, p 29 “ Knock down ” steel range, June 22, p 43 L. & H. process stove, Feb 9, p 38 Labor and public carriers, Feb 2, p 48 Employment of, Jan 12, p 31 on pipe-fitting contracts, Estimating, Feb 9, 35
Ladies’ Delight oil cooker, Mar 16, p 43 reception and entertainments, June 15, p 44
Lamp, Improved Meriden, June 29, p 42 Rochester giant, June 29, p 42 trade, May 18, p 27; June 22, p 43 Lantern, Dietz crystal, Jan 19, p 44 Dietz tubular mill, Jan 12, p 47 Lathe, Dimensions of small treadle, Feb 9, p 50
Launch, Sheet metal, Mar 30, p 34 Lavatory basin, Humboldt, Feb 16, p 33 Lawn sprinkler, Comet, Mar 2, p 35 Eclipse, Jan 26, p 44 Philadelphia,